Democrats come up short on a failed solution for their own problem

Lansing, MI – Under failed Democrat leadership, Michigan school districts saw a 92% cut in dedicated funding for school safety and mental health this year.

After months of hearing resounding opposition from school communities across Michigan, Democrats today tried to do damage control with a new supplement plan. But the plan comes up short, restoring only half of the 300 million dollars cut.

“What the House Democrats offered today is the equivalent of an arsonist throwing a half-empty glass of water on their own house fire,” said Zach Rudat, Advocacy Director of the Michigan Freedom Fund. “Speaker Tate himself said actions speak louder than words and we couldn’t agree more. Under his failed leadership, House Democrats are still refusing to adequately fund school safety resources. The Democrats who wasted billions of tax dollars on corporate handouts and pork projects can’t find millions to keep our kids safe. Those actions speak louder than the rhetoric coming out of the Capitol, and this half-assed attempt to save face weeks before an election.”

While Democrats try throwing a band-aid on this gaping political wound, Senate Republicans made a motion today to fully restore the critical school safety and mental health dollars. But Senate Democrats blocked the motion, leaving schools and students out to dry.

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