Michigan Democrats’ ‘Tax More, Spend More’ Budget a Disaster for Michigan Families

Promises Made, Promises Not Kept

New Case Studies on the Flaws of Corporate Welfare Lansing, MI - It’s a tale as old as time: Lansing spends billions of our tax dollars promising new jobs but comes up short when the rubber meets the road. This term Lansing has handed out billions of our dollars to...

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Michigan Democrats’ ‘Tax More, Spend More’ Budget a Disaster for Michigan Families

Democrats Waste Billions in the Dead of Night

Lansing, MI - Michigan taxpayers woke up this morning to learn that while they were sleeping, Michigan Democrats passed the largest budget in state history.  In a term where billions have been handed out to billionaires and big corporations, Democrats also...

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Michigan Democrats’ ‘Tax More, Spend More’ Budget a Disaster for Michigan Families

MI Dems Economic Plan: Rob Peter to Pay Paul

Lansing Democrats Try to Put Lipstick on Their Corporate Welfare Pig Lansing, MI - House Democrats are one step closer to extending their corporate welfare romance with a committee vote this morning. Democrats on the House Economic Development Committee passed their...

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ICYMI: Michigan Tops List of States With the Most People in Financial Distress

Democrats Pour More Gas on Cost of Living Crisis

Housing Costs and Workforce Development in Democrat Crosshairs Lansing, MI - Democrats in Lansing are back at it with yet another plan that will increase the cost of living in Michigan. Senate Democrats have introduced a plan that will significantly decrease the...

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ICYMI: Michigan Tops List of States With the Most People in Financial Distress

Cost of Living on the Rise for Michigan Families

Lansing, MI - Prices in the U.S. rose 3.4% in the last month according to today’s Consumer Price Index Report. The cost of living has now grown a staggering 20% since Joe Biden became President, and a majority of Americans feel that their paychecks cannot keep up....

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