MFF: No New Taxes for Road Funding
Lansing, MI - Today Governor Whitmer rolled out her “Fix the Damn Roads” plan, which is Lansing talk for “raise the damn taxes.” State spending has increased more than 40% since Governor Whitmer took office. But despite this out-of-control spending, Whitmer thinks...

Will the Real Governor Whitmer Please Stand Up?
Whitmer Proposes Billion-Dollar Spending Increase Weeks After Calling for Cuts Lansing, MI - Today’s budget recommendation from the Whitmer Administration has a lot of folks scratching their heads. Just a few weeks ago, Whitmer called for spending cuts in Lansing to...

Michigan Taxpayers Have Spending Questions for Governor Whitmer
Lansing, MI - Today Governor Whitmer’s administration will unveil their budget recommendation for Fiscal Year 2026. Going into the presentation, Michigan taxpayers have a lot of questions: Why has the governor still not delivered on her key campaign promises after six...

Governor Whitmer’s Record of Broken Promises
Lansing, MI - During her tenure as Governor, Gretchen Whitmer has talked the talk but failed to walk the walk in Lansing. According to a new study from Bridge Michigan, Governor Whitmer has failed to deliver on nearly half of her promises to Michigan taxpayers. Some...

Whitmer Proposal Wastes Billions of Tax Dollars Instead of Fixing the Housing Crisis in Michigan
Lansing, MI - On Wednesday Governor Whitmer is set to unveil her State Budget recommendation for Fiscal Year 2026, kicking off months of negotiations in Lansing. Whitmer’s budget recommendation will include a $2 billion line item...

Where do West Michigan Democrat Legislators Stand on Grand Rapids Sanctuary City Status?
Lansing, MI - Grand Rapids is reportedly considering becoming a sanctuary city, endangering public safety and jeopardizing federal dollars right in the heart of West Michigan. Senate Democrat Leader Winnie Brinks has previously dismissed the looming threat of the...

MFF Puts Whitmer on the Clock with New Website
Lansing, MI - Today will mark 24 days of Senate District 35 being vacant. For weeks, hundreds of thousands of Michigan taxpayers in the Great Lakes Bay Region have had no voice in Michigan’s State Senate as Governor Gretchen Whitmer refuses to call a special election...

House Democrats Vote to Abandon Michigan Tipped Workers
Lansing, MI – Today, House Democrats shocked Michigan’s tipped workers when they voted against a bipartisan tipped wage bill that would save approximately 60,000 jobs under immediate threat, and secure the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of tipped wage workers...

Jocelyn Benson’s Failed Record as SOS
Lansing, MI - This morning Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson officially (and last night unofficially) launched her Gubernatorial campaign for 2026. In her announcement video, Benson claimed she “ran for Secretary of State to make sure government is efficient and...

Sec. Granholm Defies Inspector General with Multi-Billion-Dollar Green Energy Loans
Lansing, MI - In the closing days of the Biden Administration, Former Energy Secretary and Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm signed off on 11-figure loans to Michigan utility companies, courtesy of taxpayers. As a recipient of campaign contributions from DTE and...