Union bosses are the real freeloaders
Right-to-Work has empowered all workers, union and non-union alike, to make their own decisions about their employment and about their paychecks. But the union bosses who depend on those dues – and the Democrats who depend on their political contributions – want to silence them.

Celebrating 10 Years of Worker Freedom
Every worker deserves the Freedom to work without being forced to pay dues to a union. It’s a simple concept, and one that resonates with a majority of Michigan residents. Even 55% of union households agree!
That’s why Republicans made Michigan the 24th Right-to-Work state in the nation in 2012. In the last ten years, three more states have joined the movement – and workers are seeing the benefits.

Put Michigan workers and students first
Michigan is still struggling to recover from Governor Whitmer’s strict lockdowns, but the Radical Left are focused on policies that would limit worker freedom and make our state less competitive.
Meanwhile, more schools are failing to educate our kids. The “Let MI Kids Learn” law would create privately-funded Opportunity Accounts, giving parents the money they need to help their children succeed, but Democrats continue to stand in the way of these scholarships.

Lies, lost learning and two Bloody Mary’s
Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-MEA) is at it again, trying to gaslight parents and lying about school closures in Michigan.
We’re already seeing the disastrous impact those locked classrooms had on our kids. This week, the nation’s report card revealed how Michigan students are doing after prolonged remote instruction, and it isn’t pretty.
And it’s rivalry week. Last year, Attorney General Dana Nessel got drunk at the matchup between the University of Michigan and Michigan State and left the game in a wheelchair. Now we know there’s even more to the story.

It’s worse with Whitmer
Prices on everything continue to rise, and it’s just plain worse in Michigan with Governor Gretchen Whitmer.
Whitmer has handed out billions in tax giveaways to corporations and Chinese Communists – but her orders devastated small businesses and destroyed livelihoods.
And Jocelyn Benson suffered yet another defeat after trying to change the rules right before an election.
VIDEO: Prices are worse with Whitmer

Whitmer has no defense
For the first time in four years, Governor Whitmer (D-MEA) was forced to defend her record, and it didn’t go well.
The Woke Left is trying to sexualize our kids, and hundreds of parents showed up to protest the obscene material that made it into our schools.
The contrast between Gretchen Whitmer and Tudor Dixon couldn’t be more clear.

Blame Whitmer, not COVID
The media would have you believe that nothing bad that happens in Michigan is Governor Whitmer’s fault. More small business closures in Michigan than in any other state? They say it’s because of COVID. A record spike in crime? They blame COVID. Historic drops in student math and reading? Again, the “experts” blame COVID.

Fanning the flames 🔥 of violence
Whitmer’s dangerous rhetoric has violent consequences. Michigan’s economy fared worse under Whitmer than other states. And Democrats refuse to condemn Dana Nessel’s call for “a drag queen for every school.”

Democrats vs your kids
Dana Nessel said she wants “a drag queen for every school,” and we’ve got the video.
Whitmer locked students out of the classroom. Now, Democrats want to lock parents out of their kids’ education.
Crime across the state is out of control, and it’s destroying the lives of young Michiganders.