Lansing, MI – While Lansing Democrats try to put lipstick on their inaction pig this week, Republicans have reaffirmed their commitment to Michigan workers.

This week House Republicans unveiled their top priority for the new legislative term with a plan to save tipped wages for hundreds of thousands of Michigan workers. After failing to take action for months when they had unilateral control of Lansing, Democrats tried to save face this week with a new plan of their own that unsurprisingly comes up short and continues to ignore the looming threat to Michigan workers.

“For nearly half a year Michigan workers have called on Lansing for immediate action. Their resounding battle cry has been crystal clear: it’s not ‘meet us halfway,’ it’s ‘save our tips’,” said Zach Rudat, Advocacy Director for Michigan Freedom Fund. “Democrats have ignored the pleas of tipped wage workers for months at the request of their partisan handlers. Republicans have listened since day one and delivered a plan this week that saves jobs, livelihoods, and Michigan’s entire restaurant industry. This week reaffirms what we’ve known for years: it’s Republicans in Lansing, not Democrats, who are the champions for Michigan workers.”

The Republican plan tackles the looming threat that would close 1 in 5 restaurants indefinitely, puts 60,000 jobs on the line, and risks significant pay cuts for hundreds of thousands of Michigan workers.

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