Lansing, MI – This morning Governor Whitmer addressed the Detroit Auto Show and called for new revenue to fix the roads, which is Lansing-speak for new tax increases.

But with their fiscally irresponsible track record, Whitmer and Democrats will have a hard time convincing the public that Lansing needs more money. State spending has increased by a staggering 43% since Whitmer took office, and during last term’s democrat trifecta Lansing burned through a 9 billion dollar surplus, wasting tax dollars on corporate handouts and Democrat pork projects.

“Governor Whitmer has had ample time, opportunities, and resources to come up with a responsible, sustainable roads plan but consistently fails to deliver one. Michigan families are tapped out after years of rising costs and shrinking dollars, the last thing they need right now is a tax increase,” said Zach Rudat, Advocacy Director for Michigan Freedom Fund. “Michigan taxpayers are done with years of moving goalposts, broken promises, and partisan scapegoating from Governor Whitmer. They want results, they want government to get back to basics, and they want a better ROI on the dollars they’re already sending to Lansing. The Republican roads plan does all three.”

To date, the only road funding plan the Governor has proposed is a 45-cent gas tax increase and costly billion-dollar bonds. But Republicans have a plan to fix the damn roads once and for all without asking taxpayers for more.

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