Lansing, MI – In the closing days of the Biden Administration, Former Energy Secretary and Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm signed off on 11-figure loans to Michigan utility companies, courtesy of taxpayers.

As a recipient of campaign contributions from DTE and Consumers Energy during her time as Michigan’s Governor, Granholm defied the DOE Inspector General’s conflict of interest concerns by directing more than 14 billion tax dollars toward those two companies. 

The DOE loans will enable Democrats’ Green Energy Mandate in Michigan, which will drive up our energy costs by nearly $3,000 per year, while weakening our power grid. Michiganders already pay some of the highest rates in the country.

“Secretary Granholm’s 11th-hour antics reaffirm why voters overwhelmingly chose change this past election. For years Michigan Democrats have ignored the needs of Michigan families, who desperately want a return to basics at all levels of government,” said Zach Rudat, Advocacy Director for Michigan Freedom Fund. “Michigan energy will be more expensive and less reliable under the Democrats’ Green Energy Mandate. Lansing Democrats should listen to the people, return to basics, and abandon their failed green agenda.”

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