Michigan Supreme Court: Prevailing Wage Petitions to Be Certified

Decision Rebukes Dems, Union Bosses, Stops Special Interests from Disenfranchising Nearly 400,000 Michigan Voters

LANSING, MI, May 30, 2018 –Michigan Freedom Fund Executive Director Tony Daunt today applauded members of the Michigan Supreme Court for rejecting efforts by union bosses and Democratic power brokers to prevent the certification of nearly 400,000 petition signatures demanding a repeal of the state’s costly prevailing wage regulations.

The Court declined to overturn a lower court’s demand for certification after Democrats on the State Board of Canvassers refused to certify the signatures to appease their Democrat and union boss allies.

Following certification, the state House of Representatives will have the opportunity to approve a citizen initiated effort to repeal costly prevailing wage red tape and regulation.  With repeal, the Legislature can strike a major blow for state taxpayers and boost the state economy.

“This is a great day for Michigan voters, the rule of law, and state taxpayers,” said Daunt.  “The Court has rejected Democrats’ attempts to disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters and saw through the outright lies being peddled by big labor bosses and their allies.

“Michigan’s prevailing wage regulation costs taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars each year, forcing our schools and communities to pay dramatically higher rates for construction projects.  That’s not right.  And that’s why we’re so excited that members of the state legislature now have the opportunity to repeal Michigan’s costly prevailing wage mandate.  We encourage them to hold the vote as soon as possible.”

Michigan Freedom Fund is a nonprofit organization run by Michiganders for Michiganders, working to advance, promote, and protect Michigan workers’ Constitutional rights.  For more information on the Freedom Fund, please visit

