Lansing Democrats Continue their Pattern of Deceit and Illegal Activities

From Virgil Smith to Brian Banks and now Michael Notte, Democrat Leadership Shows Contempt for the Law


Lansing, MI, August 24, 2016 – The Michigan Freedom Fund today demanded that Minority Leader Tim Greimel, Democrat Chairman Brandon Dillon and their allies in Lansing come clean on their latest dirty political trick.

“Apparently, Democrats in Lansing and throughout Michigan don’t believe the rules apply to them,” said Freedom Fund President Terri Reid. “It’s clear that Michael Notte and his allies in Lansing–Tim Greimel and Brandon Dillon–have engaged in a blatant misrepresentation of the facts regarding his residency in their quest for power.”

“From former state Senator Virgil Smith’s felony conviction for shooting up his ex-wife’s car, to state Representative Brian Banks’ eight felony convictions, sexual harassment settlement and pending felony trial, it’s clear that Democrats have no shame when it comes to the individuals that they support financially and politically.”