Free speech only works for Rich… Robinson
Pot meet Kettle. Kettle meet pot.
LANSING, MI, October 29, 2015 — Michigan Freedom Fund President Terri Reid issued the following statement today following the Michigan Campaign Finance Network Executive Director Rich Robinson’s Oct. 27th guest post for Bridge Magazine entitled, “Michigan is the dark money capital of American politics”:
“Apparently, the constitutionally protected right of freedom of speech is only for Rich… Robinson and those running in his political spheres,” said Reid. “His own study on so-called ‘dark money’ was funded by dark money. This is most certainly the pinnacle of hypocrisy.”
“A healthy democracy is one where everyone has the right to support causes they are passionate about and candidates that share their beliefs, not just the beliefs of Rich.”
Michigan Freedom Fund is a nonprofit organization run by Michiganders for Michiganders, working to advance, promote, and protect Michigan workers’ Constitutional rights. For more information on the Freedom Fund, please visit