Just who’s bullying whom, Madame Governor?

Michigan workers have been forced off-the-job by Governor Whitmer for nearly six months. Small business owners and their customers who can interact safely have been forced out of business by the Governor; jobs lost, savings depleted, while the state’s mental health crisis explodes, and young people contemplate suicide in heart-wrenching and record numbers.

Meanwhile, new COVID-19 infections remain incredibly rare, hospitalizations rarer still, and ventilators stack up unused by the thousands.

School doors remain largely shuttered to students, while the Detroit teachers union votes to authorize an illegal strike, further hurting students in the state’s most troubled district.

Governor Whitmer’s response this week when reporters asked her if she’d take her boot off the back of a few Michigan small businesses? She told reporters she “won’t be bullied” into letting desperate families put food on their tables.

The Detroit Free Press followed up with the Governor’s staff to ask just who she felt was bullying her. Days later, the newspaper still hasn’t gotten a call back.

Someone is absolutely being bullied here, but it isn’t the Governor. We’re as appalled as you that she’d claim to be the victim here while forcing Michigan families to watch helplessly as she unravels their lives, one pernicious executive order at a time.

We’re determined not to let her get away with it.


Tony Daunt

Executive Director

Michigan Freedom Fund