Michigan families are facing unprecedented challenges. They’ve been told they’re not allowed to go to work. Their kids aren’t allowed to go to school. They’re lectured and belittled if they go to church. Vaccines that could save their lives are going unused, sitting on freezer shelves.

Larger gatherings? Forget about it. They’re illegal. Governor Whitmer says so. (Didn’t stop her from spending inauguration day with thousands of strangers in Washington, D.C., though. Apparently, her pandemic orders don’t apply in our nation’s capital.)

Governor Whitmer has dropped the ball, and moms, dads, and their kids are paying the price.

But there’s good news. There are two other branches of state government, and a new legislative term is just getting started. Freedom Fund’s Greg McNeilly took to the pages of the Detroit News this week to offer lawmakers a few suggestions that could make a difference in the face of the governor’s failures:

“Michigan’s incoming state Legislature — filled with fresh faces and new perspectives — has the chance to begin tackling our challenges, and if they work together, they can make a real-world impact.”

There’s a better way. Trust the people. Where Gov. Whitmer has failed, the Legislature can lead by prioritizing critical reforms:

  • Move heaven and earth to get vaccines off of shelves and into arms.

  • Re-open Michigan’s schools. Now.

  • Making a living is a human right. Let residents go back to work.

  • Finally expand FOIA to cover the legislature and the governor. Fight tooth and nail to restore residents trust in their state government and to hold that government accountable.

Greg puts it well:

“Pluralism, civility and a commitment to the rights of our neighbors — those we agree with and those we don’t — offer a road map to a more hopeful future. “The Legislature has the opportunity to lead where our statewide officials have not. Michigan families expect it.”


Tony Daunt
Executive Director
Michigan Freedom Fund