As we finish up a particularly ugly week of rhetoric in Michigan politics, the Christian faithful around the world will adore the selfless sacrifice of Jesus and celebrate His victory of love over darkness. We observe the world-changing power of forgiveness, and reflect on the holy call to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

The overheated comments – from Republicans and Democrats alike – whether made in jest or in the heat of the moment, do grave damage to the discourse of our politics, and further inflame the passions of the moment. May all of us, myself included, remember the lessons this weekend offers, and live them more fully in the weeks and months to come.

May we treat one another – even those with whom we have serious and important disagreements – with kindness and respect. When offended, may we forgive. May we always pursue justice – and pursue it in love.

These are principles that build a better world. They’ll work wonders in Michigan, too.


Tony Daunt
Executive Director
Michigan Freedom Fund