The next few months couldn’t be more important for our state’s future.

Families continue to battle a global pandemic. Workers are fighting to return to their jobs and job sites. Efforts in Lansing and local communities are underway to fight back against Governor Whitmer’s anti-science lockdown orders and restrictions.

At the same time, Michigan’s Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission is planning hearings and public meetings in communities across the state as they work to draw new Congressional and state legislative districts.

The Commission’s work will have a massive impact on how effectively you are represented in Lansing. Simply put, the Commission has to get it right.

Which brings me to the reason for this special note. You typically receive these updates from Tony Daunt. Tony has done incredible and impactful work for years advancing the cause of freedom and defending the rights of everyday Michiganians. He has lead from the frontlines and helped make our state stronger, better, and more free.

I wanted to share with you that Tony Daunt will continue doing incredibly important work, but in a new role.

Tony has accepted a role as the Executive Director of FAIR Maps, an organization that will actively participate in Michigan’s redistricting process. Its goal is right there in the name: Fair and Independent Redistricting Maps. He’s been monitoring the redistricting process and the work of the Commission, and he’s fighting to make sure the Commission hears from – and works for – you.

Our work at the Michigan Freedom Fund continues, and it’ll only get more important between now and the end of 2022. You’ll continue to hear from people like me and others on staff at MFF. Tony’s are big shoes to fill, but we’ll never stop fighting for freedom.


Greg McNeilly
Michigan Freedom Fund