Shocking new allegations have emerged out of the TCF Center in Detroit, where the scandal-plagued City Clerk and her elections team count absentee votes each election night.

According to sworn affidavits, last month’s primary election saw rampant irregularities from City Clerk staff and volunteers, thousands of ballots sorted incorrectly, ballots being counted more than once and – astoundingly – votes for Republicans being either deleted or changed!

The allegations and other shocking details were first reported by the Detroit News, and detailed serious election integrity challenges pouring out of Michigan’s biggest city only weeks before the Presidential election.

Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey refused to offer comment or to deny the allegations.

She continues, though, to serve as perhaps the highest profile appointee to Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s “Election Modernization Advisory Committee,” a group assembled to help guide Benson through steps she can take to more quickly and efficiently count ballots each election day.

Winfrey’s answer, apparently, is to skip the record keeping, ignore the law, and change the votes you don’t like.

If true, the allegations represent discouraging and damning threats to the integrity of the election this November, and voters have noticed.

Offered the chance to hold Winfrey accountable, Benson’s response? She’s kept the clerk on her high-profile statewide committee and told voters they’ll just have to wait an extra week this November to learn who won state, federal and local races in Michigan. We’re all for accuracy over speed but Benson has been crying wolf about delayed results for almost two years now and the only wolf we’ve seen is the one guarding the city of Detroit’s henhouse.

In what is likely to be another close election, officials like Jocelyn Benson need to be taking every precaution to ensure timely and accurate results, and removing opportunities for unscrupulous activists to change as many votes as necessary.


Tony Daunt

Executive Director

Michigan Freedom Fund