This year, I had the privilege of interning with the Michigan Freedom Fund (MFF). The atmosphere at the Freedom Fund office is really unlike any other. You are surrounded by strong work ethics, passion, and perseverance. When arriving at the office for the first time and getting oriented to my new internship, I noticed a quote above a doorway that really resonated with me and defines MFF’s commitment to their mission: “No one is coming. It’s up to us.” That was when I realized I was going to be working with, and learning from, people who are totally vested in principles that advance individual liberty, limited government, transparency, and protect our Bill of Rights.

When the COVID-19 pandemic jolted everyday life, my alma mater, Albion College, closed campus and I went back home to northern Michigan. While COVID-19 prevented me from going into the office and interacting face to face with my coworkers, my enthusiasm for, and dedication to, MFF’s cause has certainly not been diminished, and my internship continued remotely. Even when the government decides to essentially shut down our professional lives, I still hold an essential role to the mission and have more than enough work to do.

Preserving liberty requires unceasing vigilance of government. MFF knows this, and they will put you to work because your efforts are truly central to something far bigger than you. Not to mention, the valuable technical skills you pick up along the way are not what you’ll learn in any humanities, mathematics, or science class.

If you want to devote yourself to something far bigger than yourself, are passionate about conservative principles, and you want to make them work for the people of Michigan, then the Michigan Freedom Fund is your place. Here, you’ll be challenged and work hard, but most importantly, supported the entire way.

Alex Tokie is an intern with the Michigan Freedom Fund.

Click Here to apply for an internship with the Michigan Freedom Fund.