Angela Meyers Named Senior Advisor for Michigan Freedom Fund
LANSING, MI, June 14, 2019 –The Michigan Freedom Fund today announced that Angela Meyers has joined the organization and will serve as the group’s Senior Advisor.
Meyers, an East Lansing native, returns to Michigan from Washington, D.C., where she previously served as Finance Director for the Republican National Committee. Meyers also previously served as Finance Director for the Republican Governor’s Association and State Finance Director for the Michigan campaign of former President George W. Bush.
“Angela Meyers is a tremendous ally for Michigan workers, taxpayers, and families and we are excited to welcome her home and to the Michigan Freedom Fund,” said Freedom Fund Executive Director Tony Daunt. “The Michigan Freedom Fund is committed to standing up for those the bureaucracy threatens and leaves behind, and we are excited Angela has agreed to fight alongside us.”
Michigan Freedom Fund is a nonprofit organization run by Michiganders for Michiganders, working to advance, promote, and protect Michigan workers’ Constitutional rights. For more information, please visit