Governor Gretchen Whitmer is misleading the media, and she is misleading you.

Earlier this week, reporters learned that the state had distributed only about 27% of the COVID-19 vaccine it had on hand, with somewhere in the neighborhood of 551,000 doses sitting idly, unused in freezers across the state.

Whitmer’s vaccination efforts weren’t just miserable, they were among the absolute worst in the nation. The failed vaccine rollout is threatening lives daily.

Michigan’s coronavirus vaccination rate dangerously ranked 44th in the nation, with only 992 people immunized for every 100,000 residents. The national average vaccination rate for COVID-19 is 1,390 per 100,000 – a staggering 40 percent higher than Michigan’s performance under Governor Whitmer.

Michigan ranked far below states like Florida (1,232 per 100,000), New York (1,412), North Dakota (2,918) and even California (1,143).

Not true, the Governor insisted. She called a press conference, stood at the podium, and repeatedly and forcefully told reporters and the public that they were wrong and their numbers were wrong.

Michigan wasn’t a “bottom 7” state. We were ‘ranked 4th’ and the updated numbers would prove it.

Late yesterday the new numbers came out. Michigan isn’t ranked 4th. We’re ranked 40th. Top 5? Alaska ranks 5th. Michigan’s vaccination rate is less than half the size of Alaska’s.

Now the Governor is backpedaling, claiming she was misinformed by the CDC. Misinformed by the federal government.

Somebody was misinformed alright. Every reporter and every citizen that watched her repeatedly mislead them to save face on Wednesday afternoon.

The Governor, MDHHS, and their teams had months to prepare for COVID vaccine distribution. Other states used that time and figured this out, and they’re literally lapping Michigan when it comes to vaccine delivery.

It’s too late for the Governor to worry about saving face. It’s not too late to save lives. Change course. Get to work. Treat this like the emergency it is.


Tony Daunt
Executive Director
Michigan Freedom Fund