Congratulations to Michigan Voters:
Citizen Led Effort Puts an End to Prevailing Wage Red Tape
State Legislature Responds to Effort of Nearly 400,000 Michigan Voters, Repeals Prevailing Wage
LANSING, MI, June 6, 2018 –Michigan Freedom Fund Executive Director Tony Daunt today congratulated Michigan voters for their successful work to repeal of the state’s costly prevailing wage regulations. The state legislature today took action on citizen initiated legislation and voted to repeal prevailing wage.
With repeal, the House and Senate have struck a major blow for state taxpayers and the state economy.
“Michigan voters spoke loudly and they spoke clearly about the need to protect their tax dollars and end the kind of red tape that drives up costs for Michigan schools,” said Daunt. “Today’s landmark legislative action is a victory for taxpayers, and we are grateful to the members of the state legislature who responded bravely to the voice of voters.”
Michigan Freedom Fund is a nonprofit organization run by Michiganders for Michiganders, working to advance, promote, and protect Michigan workers’ Constitutional rights. For more information on the Freedom Fund, please visit