Earlier this week, you spoke out, and Lansing heard you.

As lawmakers wrestled with their “lame duck” legislative agenda, we got word a major push was underway to resuscitate an obnoxious, tone deaf, and expensive tax dollar giveaway to some of the state’s biggest, best-connected corporations – and everyday taxpayers and small businesses would foot the bill.

Senate Bill 492 is an outrageous and unacceptable slap in the face to countless small business employees, entrepreneurs, and taxpayers who have seen their livelihoods crushed by their state government’s disastrous response to a global pandemic.

We sounded the alarm. We asked you to contact your lawmakers and to urge them to reject Senate Bill 492. You pitched in and your voice mattered.

Big-government backers and crony capitalists wilted, and any plans to run the bill in the state Senate this week were almost immediately scuttled.

That’s great news, and it speaks to your influence. It’s also not the last word on the bill or corporate welfare.

Lame duck hasn’t ended just yet, and we know there’s an army of lobbyists trying to convince lawmakers to ignore you and to listen to them.

So if you haven’t contacted your state Senator yet, do. If you did already, do it again.

Your voice matters. And it’s making a difference.


Tony Daunt
Executive Director
Michigan Freedom Fund