Democrats Back Todd Courser, Cindy Gamrat—Oppose Expulsion

Democrats Abstain from Vote to Expel Lawmakers Caught Abusing Constituents’ Trust, Taxpayer Resources

LANSING, MI, September 10, 2015 — Michigan Freedom Fund President Terri Reid issued the following statement today blasting Democratic House members’ decision to protect Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat by abstaining from votes to expel them:

“Democrats in the state House just sunk playing politics to a new, disgusting low. Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat aren’t fit to serve in the Michigan House of Representatives, but when given the chance to stand up for taxpayers, Democrats actually opted to defend their disgraced colleagues.

“Republicans in the state House deserve credit for doing the right thing and voting to expel Courser and Gamrat. It’s appalling that Michigan Democrats lack the courage and integrity to do the same.”

Michigan Freedom Fund is a nonprofit organization run by Michiganders for Michiganders, working to advance, promote, and protect Michigan workers’ Constitutional rights. For more information on the Freedom Fund, please visit
