Lansing, MI – Michigan taxpayers woke up this morning to learn that while they were sleeping, Michigan Democrats passed the largest budget in state history

In a term where billions have been handed out to billionaires and big corporations, Democrats also managed to cut the K-12 budget by nearly a billion dollars and failed to increase per-pupil funding for the first time in a decade.

“Bidenomics is forcing Michigan families to tighten their budgets, but Democrats in Lansing are doing the complete opposite,” said Zach Rudat, Advocacy Director of Michigan Freedom Fund. “Lansing Democrats are raising our taxes, spending more of our money than ever before, disinvesting in our classrooms, and giving billions of tax dollars to big corporations. It’s a recipe for success for their donors but a failing formula for Michigan taxpayers.”

The final budget draft was unavailable to the public until the middle of the night, mere hours before legislators actually voted on it. But Democrat leadership ensured special interest groups got a sneak peek well before it was introduced.

“Time and time again Lansing Democrats are showing us their true colors,” Rudat continued. “To them, taking care of special interests and billionaires is more important than taking care of Michigan taxpayers”

The budget awaits final approval from Governor Whitmer.

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