Polling is dead. 

Republicans’ House majority, on the other hand…

The experts said it couldn’t be done and it wouldn’t happen. Governor Gretchen Whitmer emerged from her Lansing office for a week and campaigned for Democrats in House races across the state, determined to flip control of the state legislative chamber.

Prognosticators expected Democrats to pick up at least the four seats they needed to take control of the House, and to probably win more than that. Republicans trailed badly in almost every battleground district poll, from Traverse City to Oakland County.

Then you voted.

Not only did Democrats fail to gain control of the chamber – they didn’t pick up a single seat. (They flipped two, but Republicans knocked off a pair of Democrat incumbents, too.) 

It was an Election Night stunner, and great news for constitutional conservatives who prefer separation of powers and checks-and-balances in their government.


Tony Daunt

Michigan Freedom Network

P.S. 52 of the 56 men and women endorsed by the Michigan Freedom Network won their state House races. Thank you for voting and thank you for your commitment to freedom!