Lansing, MI – This year Democrats cut school safety and mental health resources by 92%. After months of backlash from school communities across the state, Democrats returned to Lansing with a half-baked political stunt to cover their tails months before an election. 

At the time, Democrats argued there were only enough dollars available for a partial restoration. But according to new numbers from the House Fiscal Agency, there are more dollars on the table to fully restore the funding and then some.

“House Democrats are running out of excuses for failing to keep our kids safe,” said Zach Rudat, Advocacy Director for Michigan Freedom Fund. “These numbers tell us all what we already knew: There are more than enough tax dollars in Lansing to adequately fund school safety and mental health resources. House Democrats have a choice: Will they choose to finally correct course and restore this critical funding for our kids, or will they use these dollars to fund their corporate handouts?”

Democrats have already wasted billions of dollars on corporate handouts this term. With the Mundy Township Megasite on their radar, Democrats could be gearing up to spend billions more during Lame Duck this fall.

Meanwhile, House and Senate Republicans have plans ready to go that will fully restore the school safety and mental health cuts.

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