It has come to our attention that Senate Bill 492 – which seeks to reinstate, extend, and increase the cost to Michigan taxpayers by another $300 million of the so-called “Good Jobs for Michigan” legislation – is being considered in the waning days of session.
This is an unacceptable and outrageous slap in the face to countless small business owners and their employees who have seen their livelihoods crushed by their government’s response to a global pandemic, which has been a tragic combination of incompetence, heavy-handed overreaction, and a pathetic inability to work together.
We STRONGLY urge the legislature to resist this tone deaf effort to provide handouts to the largest and most politically well-connected corporations while hundreds of thousands of your fellow Michiganians are relegated to begging their governor to let them reopen and salvage their life’s work.
Contact your state Senator and state Representative and tell them to OPPOSE SB 492.

Tony Daunt
Executive Director
Michigan Freedom Fund