Late this afternoon, the Michigan Supreme Court put an end to Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s unconstitutional abuse of power. This is a huge win for the Rule of Law and everyday Michiganians who deserve a government that is responsive to their needs, not subject to the arbitrary, capricious and politically motivated whims of a power-hungry executive.
Nearly everyone in this state, including yours truly and the Michigan Freedom Fund supported the Governor’s initial efforts to curb the spread of COVID-19, “flatten the curve,” and get a handle on the situation. Similarly, the state legislature – led by Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey and House Speaker Lee Chatfield – repeatedly expressed their willingness and desire to work with the Governor to address this unique challenge.
Sadly, as we’ve seen with this Governor time and time again, it was her way or the highway. Despite months of confusing and potentially deadly orders, crippled businesses, and discarded freedoms, she refused to partner with the legislature, trampling on one of the most basic and fundamental tenets of our system of government – the separation of powers. And now the courts have proven that the Rule of Law will always prevail!
But the fight isn’t over. It never is with the radical Left. In fact, news reports following this ruling indicate that she’s ALREADY determined to bypass the court’s ruling, which included the UNANIMOUS decision that she didn’t have the power to issue or renew Executive Orders related to COVID-19 after April 30th without the legislature’s approval. Quite ironic that in light of the fever dreams spewing forth from the Democrats about whether President Trump will leave office if he’s defeated in November, it’s Gretchen Whitmer whose taking steps to avoid the bounds of our constitutional structure. I think psychologists call that projection!
We look forward to the legislature resuming its rightful role in addressing this matter and have no doubt that they’ll extend their hand in a good faith effort. Governor Whitmer’s response remains to be seen.
Congrats on your victory, Michigan!

Tony Daunt
Executive Director
Michigan Freedom Fund