Watching Gov. Whitmer’s reaction to the Michigan Supreme Court ruling, it’s clear she didn’t watch enough Schoolhouse Rock when she was growing up. Instead of working with the legislature to enact laws, Gov. Whitmer chose to go it alone, building her COVID response on a foundation made of sand.

The court wisely ruled in favor of the Rule of Law, restoring the checks and balances of our government, and ending Gov. Whitmer’s unilateral control of our state. Whitmer’s response has been to hurl partisan insults, vilifying her coequal branches.

Meanwhile, the legislature did its job. Republicans passed bills to extend unemployment benefits, enable virtual government meetings, and protect vulnerable seniors from COVID-19, proving once and for all that Gov. Whitmer didn’t need to resort to her unconstitutional power trip.

We don’t have to tell you how important this election is. In just fifteen days, voters across Michigan will decide what kind of legislature they’ll send to Lansing.

It’s critical that we return a conservative majority to the state legislature.

With your contribution of just $15, $25 or $50, we can defend the Rule of Law. We can hold the line against Gov. Whitmer’s partisan agenda. Donate today.


Tony Daunt

Michigan Freedom Network