Demands Whitmer End Mask Mandates Across Michigan

LANSING, MI – The Michigan Freedom Fund launched a new digital ad today titled “End Forced Masking,” and demanded Governor Gretchen Whitmer end masking mandates in school districts and communities across Michigan.

“The time has come for Governor Whitmer, Michigan Democrats, and liberal bureaucrats across the state to stop the hypocrisy and end the forced masking of students,” said Tori Sachs, executive director of the Michigan Freedom Fund. “Every Michigan family deserves the same freedom as Democrat politicians like Whitmer, Slotkin and Nessel, who repeatedly and consistently ignore masking. Our kids are suffering academically and emotionally, and Governor Whitmer must end this harmful and unscientific policy of forced masking and mandates on our students.”

Digital Ad: End Forced Masking

Ingham County announced today it would rescind its mask mandate on educational institutions, but is waiting until February 19. Governors in New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Oregon and California have dropped their mask restrictions, citing focus groups and following political science rather than medical science to justify the policy shift.

The ad comes after Democrats Stacey Abrams, Michigan Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin, and Attorney General Dana Nessel appeared maskless while surrounded by masked children and adults. Governor Whitmer is known for repeatedly and hypocriticallybreaking COVID rules that she imposed on others. Not long ago, Whitmer was caught violating a local masking ordinance at a Washington D.C. bar, and violated her own social distancing rules while maskless at a bar in East Lansing.

The Michigan Freedom Fund works to advance conservative ideas, hold our government accountable to taxpayers, and protect Freedom, opportunity, and workers’ Constitutional rights. For more information, please visit