Freedom Fund: Rule of Bullying, Not Rule of Law

Michigan Supreme Court Bows to Threats, Intimidation – Abandons State Constitution in Wake of Threats

LANSING, MI, July 31, 2018 – Michigan Freedom Fund Executive Director Tony Daunt issued the following statement today following the decision by the Michigan Supreme Court to bow in the face of extremist bullying and intimidation from Michigan Democrats.  The Court today ruled against voters and the state Constitution, choosing instead to back the Michigan Democrat Party and its hyper-partisan Voters Not Politicians ballot group, which seeks to politicize the state’s redistricting process. 

“Today we’ve witnessed the rule of bullying, not the rule of law” said Tony Daunt, Executive Director of the Michigan Freedom Fund.  “In the face of threats, bullying and intimidation, the Justices of the state Supreme Court bowed to political pressure instead of protecting Michigan’s Constitution.  They have abdicated their responsibility to the rule of law.”

Voters Not Politicians, the organization behind the push to put Michigan redistricting in the hands of partisan bureaucrats, potentially running afoul of the Voting Rights Act, is led exclusively by partisan Democratic donors, activists, and a Democratic trial attorney, according to public records, the Federal Election Commission and the Michigan Campaign Finance database.

According to campaign finance records, 7 of the 10 members of the ballot committee’s leadership have donated to Democratic candidates and causes, including Mark Schauer, Virg Bernero, Jennifer Granholm, Hillary Clinton, ACT BLUE, and many more.  A list of the donations can be found here.

The Committee’s President, Katie Fahey, is a former Hillary Clinton activist who made national news when she traveled to New York to participate in Clinton’s later-scuttled victory party.

Michigan Democratic Party Chairman Brandon Dillon this week was caught on air threatening members of the Court, demanding they play partisan games instead of defend the Constitution.


Michigan Freedom Fund is a nonprofit organization run by Michiganders for Michiganders, working to advance, promote, and protect Michigan workers’ Constitutional rights.  For more information, please visit

