There’s an old saying about throwing stones inside glass houses. Governor Whitmer apparently hasn’t heard it.

Yesterday she teamed up with the Democratic Governor of New York to demand a congressional investigation of the President’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

That’s right. The two Governors who most prominently, publicly, and unrepentantly sent thousands of COVID-19 patients into nursing homes among the elderly and infirm – nursing homes where thousands of residents lost their lives – are accusing someone else (anyone else) of responding poorly to the coronavirus.

It’s not surprising Whitmer would try to deflect attention away from her own disastrous and potentially deadly policies related to the virus.

It’s shocking, though, that Whitmer continues to defend a policy that was so uniquely bad, most other states took great pains to avoid her missteps – and have seen fewer seniors lose their lives in nursing homes.

In fact, it’s a policy so bad it’s already prompted a federal investigation.

Michigan voters learned a long time ago that Governor Whitmer abandoned science and data when she makes her nursing home decisions, or pretty much any decision she makes. Her latest media stunt gives us just another glimpse into what might be driving them… POLITICAL Science.


Tony Daunt

Executive Director

Michigan Freedom Fund