Prevailing Wage for Wind and Solar Projects on the Horizon

Lansing, MI – Energy bills are already on the rise with inflation and the Michigan Green New Deal. Under new legislation advancing in Lansing, rates could increase even more.

The House Labor Committee is scheduled to vote on Senate Bill 571, a bill that would mandate prevailing wage for wind and solar projects across Michigan. If enacted, Michigan can expect to see increased labor costs, which will ultimately be passed along to Michigan rate payers.

“This is just another example of Lansing Democrats appeasing their donors at the expense of Michigan families,” said Zach Rudat, Advocacy Director for Michigan Freedom Fund. “First their extreme environmentalists demanded unreliable, expensive energy, now their union bosses are demanding more money. Lansing Democrats are cowering to both, but Michigan families are the ones footing the bill.”

Various union organizations offered support for the legislation last week in the Labor Committee, led by Representative Jim Haadsma. Haadsma has long been in the pocket of union bosses, spearheading a wish list of their bills that will be detrimental to Michigan’s economy.

Haadsma also mediated a meeting between a former union lobbyist charged with sexual assault and his victim. A year later, Haadsma invited that same lobbyist to testify in front of his committee.

“Michigan taxpayers rightfully expect their elected officials to pass legislation in the best interest of the general public,” Rudat continued. “ Instead, Haadsma and Democrats have continuously used their power to pick winners and losers. Their donors are always the winners and Michigan taxpayers are always the losers.”

The House Labor Committee is scheduled to meet on Thursday at 9 am to vote on SB 571.