Duggan’s Detroit is a Model for Failure

Duggan’s Detroit is a Model for Failure

Lansing, MI - Detroit has had a rough time under Mayor Duggan’s “leadership”. During single-digit temperatures, hundreds of Detroit families were displaced from their homes after a water main break early Monday morning. This comes just days after two homeless children...

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The Clock is Ticking

The Clock is Ticking

Gov. Whitmer, Senate Dems Continue to Fail Michigan Workers Lansing, MI - Today, Senate Democrats failed Michigan workers and small businesses. Senate Session ended in Lansing today with zero action from Democrats on the floor, while Michigan workers and job providers...

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MFF: No New Taxes for Road Funding

MFF: No New Taxes for Road Funding

Lansing, MI - Today Governor Whitmer rolled out her “Fix the Damn Roads” plan, which is Lansing talk for “raise the damn taxes.” State spending has increased more than 40% since Governor Whitmer took office. But despite this out-of-control spending, Whitmer thinks...

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Will the Real Governor Whitmer Please Stand Up?

Will the Real Governor Whitmer Please Stand Up?

Whitmer Proposes Billion-Dollar Spending Increase Weeks After Calling for Cuts Lansing, MI - Today’s budget recommendation from the Whitmer Administration has a lot of folks scratching their heads. Just a few weeks ago, Whitmer called for spending cuts in Lansing to...

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Governor Whitmer’s Record of Broken Promises

Governor Whitmer’s Record of Broken Promises

Lansing, MI - During her tenure as Governor, Gretchen Whitmer has talked the talk but failed to walk the walk in Lansing. According to a new study from Bridge Michigan, Governor Whitmer has failed to deliver on nearly half of her promises to Michigan taxpayers. Some...

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