Lansing, MI – The clock is ticking as one of the state’s largest industries desperately waits for Lansing to save their jobs and livelihoods. The inaction of Democrats to save the restaurant industry is damning enough, but Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist has added insult to injury.

Today Gilchrist spoke at a ‘One Fair Wage” event in Detroit, celebrating the State Supreme Court’s activist ruling that will cause 50,000 tipped workers to lose their jobs, cause hundreds of thousands of workers to take a pay cut, and cause 1 in 6 restaurants to close their doors indefinitely. Perhaps more insulting, Gilchrist refused to take questions from reporters after speaking at the event.

“Democrats cannot have their cake and eat it too. They cannot gaslight tipped workers into thinking there’s a ‘chance’ they save livelihoods, while simultaneously dancing on the grave of an entire industry,” said Zach Rudat, Advocacy Director for Michigan Freedom Fund. “It’s time for Lansing Democrats to stop speaking out of both sides of their mouths and be honest: are they going to step up, get to work, and save Michigan jobs, or will they take marching orders from their progressive handlers and send Michigan workers to the unemployment line?”

Republicans have been clear with Michigan workers from day one: they want Democrats to return to Lansing and save tipped wages before it’s too late.

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