Lansing, MI – This term, Democrats raised the state income tax, but they didn’t stop there. Governor Gretchen Whitmer today signed the largest budget in state history with a price tag of $83 billion dollars. That’s more than a 40% growth in government spending during her tenure as Governor. 

“Michigan is home to the most financially distressed people in the nation,” said Advocacy Direct Zach Rudat, referring to a recent WalletHub report. “Rather than addressing real families’ needs, Democrats in Lansing went on a spending spree while inflation is driving up costs and devouring wage gains for hard-working Michiganders. They are taxing more, spending more, and using our tax dollars for corporate handouts and pork projects.”

Democrats in the Legislature rubber-stamped billions in corporate welfare this term, promising thousands of good-paying jobs that never materialized. And over the last 18 months, more than $1 billion in tax dollars have been wasted on kickbacks for a select few communities almost exclusively located in Democrat districts.

“Democrats showed us their priorities, and it’s no good for Michigan,” Rudat continued. “This budget is built on the backs of hardworking taxpayers who are forced to pay more while the well-connected are taken care of. Michigan deserves better than this.”

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