While student math and reading levels fall to record lows, Attorney General Nessel says every school needs a drag queen
LANSING, MI – A new ad released today from the Michigan Freedom Fund features a never-before-seen video of Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel calling for “a drag queen for every school.” The ad, titled “Drag Queens,” uses unaltered video footage from Nessel’s speech in June at the Michigan Department of Civil Rights.

“Michigan kids don’t need drunk history with Dana Nessel and her drag queens, they need real solutions to improve the record low math and reading levels that came as a result of Gretchen Whitmer’s school shutdowns,” said Tori Sachs, executive director of the Michigan Freedom Fund.
Following is the full text of the ad: Drag Queens
DANA NESSEL: So I was, I was told that I was going to be talking about education related issues…
ANNOUNCER: That’s Attorney General Dana Nessel, giving her thoughts on our schools earlier this year.
DANA NESSEL: I say this, a drag queen for every school. That, that is what would be fun for kids.
ANNOUNCER: Our kid’s math and reading levels are falling to historic lows.
DANA NESSEL: Ah, know what’s not a problem for kids who are seeking a good education? Drag Queens, okay, let me say this drag queens, not only are they not hurting our kids, drag queens make everything better.
ANNOUNCER: Attorney General Dana Nessel. Known for making bad decisions. Our children deserve better – they need real solutions.
DANA NESSEL: A drag queen for every school!
It was first reported that Nessel called for ‘a drag queen for every school’ in June. Nessel later tried to claim the statement was made in “jest” on Twitter. The newly released video shows Nessel direct to camera calling for drag queens in schools multiple times. During her nearly 17-minute speech, Nessel referenced “drag queens” ten times.
After Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-MEA) closed schools to in-person learning, students’ math and reading skills fell to the lowest level in decades. Whitmer vetoed summer reading programs, reading scholarships, and opportunity accounts that families could have used for tutoring, transportation, and more. Earlier this year, the Michigan Democrat Party was criticized for saying parents shouldn’t have a say in their children’s education.
Previously, Nessel has made headlines for getting so drunk that she had to be removed by wheelchair from a college football game, for taking shots from strangers at a parade in Detroit, and expressing regret that she hadn’t liquidated her 401k to invest in “sex dolls.” In an early campaign ad, Nessel tried to capitalize on the #MeToo movement, branding herself the “candidate who doesn’t have a penis.”
The Michigan Freedom Fund works to advance conservative ideas, hold our government accountable to taxpayers, and protect Freedom, opportunity, and workers’ Constitutional rights. For more information, please visit MichiganFreedomFund.com.