LANSING, MI – To no one’s surprise, Governor Whitmer’s Population Council recommended several large-scale government projects that would require tax increases as a part of their final recommendations to grow Michigan’s stagnant population. The partisan-leaning Council’s costly recommendations overcomplicate the issue of our state’s declining population as families continue to suffer under Bidenflation, and after Attorney General Dana Nessel unilaterally reversed a permanent income tax cut.

The Council ignored success stories in other states that continue to increase their populations. For example, Tennessee enacted the largest tax cut in its state history this year, allowing more money to stay with families and businesses and further accelerating its population growth.

“Not one person should be surprised that Governor Whitmer’s Population Council’s recommendation would require tax increases,” said Mary Drabik, Communications Director for the Michigan Freedom Fund. “The Council is so far removed from reality that for them, increasing taxes for big-government projects makes more sense than cutting taxes for Michigan families amidst Bidenflation. If more Michigan families had a seat on the Council, we suspect they would recommend tax cuts, family-friendly policies, and a better business climate.”