Congress recently sent state lawmakers a giant pot of money and now it’s up to them to figure out what to do with it.

Just a few weeks ago, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which earmarked $5.7 billion in lightly restricted funds to the state of Michigan for lawmakers to spend between now and the end of 2024.

That’s a lot of money.

So it won’t surprise you when I tell you that every special interest group on the books – and certainly soon a batch of new ones – has their hand out in Lansing.

We’re encouraging lawmakers to do something a little different. We’re asking them to be patient, to be cautious, and to be thoughtful.

The Michigan Freedom Fund at the end of March cosigned and delivered to the legislature and Governor Whitmer a letter outlining five principles we hope they’ll consider as they weigh how to spend $5.7 billion new one-time dollars.

You can read the letter yourself at this link.

We’re asking them to consider each spending item carefully. We’re encouraging them to refuse to undermine previous policy decision. We’re urging them to address Michigan’s long-term financial picture and to consider paying off debt.

We trust they’ll make wise decisions.


Tony Daunt
Executive Director
Michigan Freedom Fund

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