If Governor Whitmer’s State of the State speech tells us anything, it’s that she is completely indifferent to the harm she’s caused to Michigan families.
Whitmer didn’t mention the over fifty-thousand kids in Flint and Detroit who are still locked out of their schools.
She neglected the families of vulnerable seniors who died alone after COVID was imported into their nursing homes.
Whitmer has no solutions for families paying higher prices while incomes in our state have dropped the most in the nation.
These aren’t just statistics. These are the real consequences of Gretchen Whitmer’s disastrous policies that she continues to ignore.
Under Whitmer, Michigan has the 10th worst unemployment recovery in the United States, and the state ranked sixth for outbound moves meaning families are fleeing the state in droves. Prices have jumped 7.5%, while personal incomes have dropped 9.5%,the steepest decline in the nation.
Despite all this, the state government has a $20 billion revenue surplus. Republican legislators have proposed an across the board tax cut. We’re calling on Whitmer to sign this bill when it comes to her desk and return these funds to hardworking taxpayers.
Of all the unilateral orders Governor Whitmer issued during the pandemic, none has been as devastating as the order placing COVID positive patients in nursing homes full of vulnerable seniors.

Michigan Rising Action points out that while Whitmer was violating her own COVID rules, our state’s most vulnerable residents were left to die alone. Devastatingly, families were forced to say goodbye over Zoom. Funerals were postponed, if they were held at all.
The Whitmer administration underreported COVID deaths in nursing homes and long-term care facilities by 42%. Whitmer’s indifference – then and now – speaks volumes. It’s important that we hear these stories and hold Whitmer accountable.
Governor Whitmer, Democrats, union leaders, and other radical leftists think they own your kids. They said it before, they said it again, and Governor Whitmer proved it with her harmful vetoes of reading scholarships and opportunity accounts.
The Michigan Freedom Fund believes parents deserve a say in their kids’ education! That’s why we made this new digital ad: Government Doesn’t Own Our Kids

Do you support parents having a say in their kids’ education? Sign your name now!
The state’s not so “independent” redistricting commission is making headlines again for all the wrong reasons.
The commission is a whopping $827,000 over budget, unwilling to cut their own pay, and yet is spending even more taxpayer money for a documentary. We don’t understand the need for them to broadcast their debacles on the big screen but that’s even all of it.
Their general legal counsel has suddenly resigned amid multiple lawsuits and now the commissioners accusing each other of bullying.
And we still don’t have fair maps that represent the actual population of Michigan.
Fox News: Venezuelan national on FBI’s terror watchlist released into Michigan after crossing border: LeDuff
Detroit News: Editorial: No more excuses. Open schools now
Michigan Capitol Confidential: Flint Schools Get $50,000 In Federal COVID Aid Per Student To Mostly Keep Classrooms Closed
Iosco County News Herald: Conservative group unleashes advertisement attacking deleted Dem Party Facebook post
The Center Square: Conservative group files for declaratory ruling on Whitmer recall fundraising
For Freedom,
Tori Sachs
Executive Director
Michigan Freedom Fund