There’s a war being waged on Michigan voters, alright, but it isn’t by who CNN tells you.

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson proves herself more radically partisan by the day, and recently testified in Congress to back a plan to put control of the nonpartisan Federal Elections Commission in the hands of partisan political operatives.

Freedom Fund’s Greg McNeilly writes this week in the Detroit News:

“Benson and others aren’t willing to be honest about recent election reforms introduced in Lansing and states like Georgia.

“Their goal isn’t “more voters” or “secure elections.” It’s media point-scoring and fundraising…

“…One prominent liberal activist (in Michigan) even told Newsweek magazine that bills protecting the sanctity of absentee votes are an attack on the voting rights of young people and minority groups because “younger people don’t even know how to get a stamp, and of course, Republicans know this. This is also true with our Black and brown communities.”

“They think you’re incompetent, and they’re not afraid to tell you so.”

I encourage you to read Greg’s entire column, and while you’re at it, check out the latest episode of our podcast, “In the Trenches,” where we sat down with Michigan’s legislative elections chairs, State Sen. Ruth Johnson and State Rep. Ann Bollin to talk about election reforms.


Tony Daunt
Executive Director
Michigan Freedom Fund

Associated Press: Michigan Health Chief Traveled Out of State Amid Virus Spike

“Michigan health director Elizabeth Hertel traveled with family to Alabama for spring break last week despite her department’s guidance to avoid out-of-state travel while Michigan suffers a raging coronavirus outbreak. The trip was first reported by the Lansing-based publication MIRS. The disclosure came days after Breitbart News reported that a top aide to Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, chief operating officer Tricia Foster, traveled to Florida for spring break despite the governor’s public ‘concern’ about trips to that state.”

Capitol Confidential: Proposed Michigan COVID Rule Forbids Leaving Shows or Stadiums before Getting Permission

“When governments impose finely detailed rules to restrict individuals’ behavior, those rules often come with unintended consequences. That seems to apply to the draft of COVID-19 workplace safety rules created by the Whitmer administration, which the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration proposes to make permanent. The draft states that patrons of sporting events and entertainment venues may not leave the event until dismissed by the venue’s managers. The administration calls this a ‘safe exit’ procedure.”

Detroit Free Press: Whitmer Aide Posts Facebook Photos from Florida Beach, Despite Governor’s Travel Warning

“Gov. Gretchen Whitmer faced a new controversy Friday amid rising coronavirus case numbers, after a top aide posted family photos on social media from a beach in Florida, apparently acting against Whitmer’s advice to Michiganders. The conservative publication Breitbart on Friday posted photos it said Tricia Foster, Whitmer’s chief operating officer, posted on her Facebook page, showing what appeared to be her teenage daughter and her daughter’s friends vacationing on a beach. The article included screen shots of comments on the photo that included references to the Florida Keys and to Foster also being on the spring break trip. Whitmer’s office did not deny the report, but dismissed it as a partisan attack.”