Lansing, MI – It is often said that a budget is a reflection of priorities. Today, Governor Whitmer made her priorities crystal clear by signing the FY 2025 State Education Budget: to her and Democrats, politics is more important than our students’ safety.

The final K-12 budget includes a 92% cut in funding for school safety and mental health programs, a move that could result in counselor layoffs in schools across the state. The same budget includes increased spending on pork projects for Democrat legislators, including $15 million for a new athletic complex at a closed Detroit high school.

“The same party that has handed out billions of tax dollars in corporate welfare can’t find the money for student safety,” said Zach Rudat, Advocacy Director for Michigan Freedom Fund. “Democrats talk a big game on education, but when the rubber meets the road, they will take care of their donors at the expense of Michigan students.”

This budget marks the first time in a decade that schools will see no increase in per-pupil funding, and also raids $670 million from the teacher retirement benefit system.

“On so many fronts, Democrats are coming up short on the priorities that matter to Michigan families,” Rudat continued. “It’s time for Lansing to stop wasting tax dollars on corporate handouts and pork projects, and recommit to investing in our students.”

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