Whitmer Launders Corrupt Campaign Cash Through Radical Democrat Party To Benefit Herself, Benson and Nessel

Benson and Nessel Allow Whitmer to Brazenly Violate Campaign Finance Law for Their Own Benefit

LANSING, MI – Following Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s disgorgement of her illicitly raised campaign funds to the Michigan Democratic Party, Michigan Freedom Fund executive director Tori Sachs rebuked the governor, Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and Attorney General Dana Nessel.

“Governor Gretchen Whitmer made the largest illicit campaign cash grab in Michigan history and fellow Democrats Jocelyn Benson and Dana Nessel let her get away with it because the money has now been laundered to benefit all of their re-election campaigns and fuel the Michigan Democratic Party machine. This corrupt laundering scheme proves that while Benson and Nessel are on duty, the law doesn’t matter and there are no consequences for Gretchen Whitmer and her allies. Just more ‘rules for thee and not for me.’”

The Michigan Democrat Party has been under fire recently for a Facebook post suggesting that parents shouldn’t be involved in their children’s education. The Michigan Freedom Fund released an ad last week titled “Government Doesn’t Own Our Kids,” highlighting the Democrat Party’s deeply held conviction that children belong to the community – not their parents.

On Friday, the Michigan Freedom Fund filed a formal request for a declaratory ruling from Democratic Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson over campaign finance rules she’s citing – or ignoring – to allow her friend, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, to launder millions of dollars in inappropriate campaign contributions to campaign accounts that will benefit both Benson and Whitmer’s re-election campaigns.

The standard operating procedure from the Michigan Secretary of State has previously been to return excess contributions to the donors. Whitmer refunded Mark Bernstein’s $250,000 contribution – which exceeded the $7,150 per person limit. Benson has not responded to the Michigan Freedom Fund’s request for a ruling. 

The Michigan Freedom Fund works to advance conservative ideas, hold our government accountable to taxpayers, and protect Freedom, opportunity, and workers’ Constitutional rights. For more information, please visit MichiganFreedomFund.com.