What a week. It all started with Attorney General Dana Nessel’s antics on social media which have left many questioning her judgment and her sobriety.
Governor Whitmer’s tyrannical orders and mandates left Michigan’s economy in ruins – and her policies are making things worse for families struggling with record gas prices and rising inflation.
Meanwhile, Whitmer’s administration celebrated “Sunshine Week” by refusing to answer a simple question about the safety of drinking water in Benton Harbor.
Join us on the Frontlines of Freedom for the latest news you need to know.
Attorney General Dana Nessel is facing backlash for a series of tweets about accepting a “shot of whisky” from strangers during Detroit’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

Michigan Freedom Fund communications director Cameron Pickford joined Michael Patrick Shiels on Michigan’s Big Show to discuss Nessel’s social media antics.
“There are people with serious alcohol abuse issues, and (Nessel’s tweets) making light of that seems really out of touch and it’s a little bit concerning. It raises some questions about her judgment and her sobriety.”
While Attorney General Nessel spends her time posting about Bloody Marys and whiskey, gas prices in Michigan are at record highs. Nessel has been actively working to shut down Line 5, even asking President Biden to intervene, despite the fact that closing the pipeline would send gas prices soaring even higher.
Governor Whitmer’s lockdowns and mandates crushed Michigan’s economy, and our recovery ranks near the bottom nationally. Michigan families are struggling to keep up with the Biden-Whitmer inflation, and Whitmer’s radical leftist policies would drive record high gas prices even higher.
This week, I wrote in The Detroit News: Whitmer’s talk is cheap, but gas has never been more expensive
“Right now Whitmer and Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel are fighting in court to shut down the safe Line 5 pipeline in Michigan that delivers more than 22 million gallons of fuel daily.
“Instead of just getting out of the way and allowing experts to build the Great Lakes Tunnel under the Straits of Mackinac, Whitmer wants to turn off the spigot on all of that fuel.
“A report published this month by the Consumer Energy Alliance crunched the numbers and found Michigan families could pay up to $2.2 billion more each year for their gas and diesel.”
While motorists deal with high gas prices and worsening roads, Whitmer’s policies are making things worse. Meanwhile, a bipartisan income tax cut that would provide relief to Michigan workers and seniors sits on her desk collecting dust. She should put away her veto pen and sign it immediately.

Tell Whitmer: Sign the Income Tax Cut
Sunshine Week is an annual opportunity to promote openness and transparency in government, but residents in Benton Harbor can’t even get a straight answer from the Whitmer administration about the safety of their drinking water.
Michigan Radio investigative reporter Lindsey Smith shared the difficulty she has faced getting straight answers from the Whitmer and Biden administrations in a thread on Twitter. Whitmer’s health department refused to answer if filtered water is safe, but suggested residents should continue drinking bottled water if they find it “more convenient.”

Smith attempted to clarify with Whitmer’s MDHHS if the filtered water was safe to consume, but the state refused to elaborate further. Benton Harbor’s water has been described as “more poisoned than Flint’s” after the Whitmer administration refused to acknowledge the lead water crisis for three years.

The disturbing lack of transparency from the Whitmer administration regarding the ongoing lead water crisis in Benton Harbor is nothing new. While running for governor, Gretchen Whitmer promised transparency, yet she has consistently failed to follow through on that pledge.
Detroit News: Unemployment agency didn’t ensure background checks for 5,500 staffers. Some had prior crimes, audit says
The Center Square: SOS Benson touts transparency but hasn’t revived transparency website
Wall Street Journal: Tax Cut Showdown in Michigan
The Alpena News: Redistricting commissioners didn’t deserve pay raise
For Freedom,
Tori Sachs
Executive Director
Michigan Freedom Fund