by Alex | Dec 18, 2017 | Uncategorized
“Voters Not Politicians” Exposed: Ballot Committee Leadership Stacked (Exclusively) with Partisan Democrats Hyper-Partisan Organization Led by Hillary Clinton Activist LANSING, MI, December 18, 2017 –Voters Not Politicians, the organization submitting...
by Alex | Dec 8, 2017 | Uncategorized
Freedom Fund Demands Gretchen Whitmer Apologize, Return $3,400 Check from Accused Sexual Harasser Whitmer Campaign Profits from Victimizer as Sexual Harassment Scandals Engulf Her Party LANSING, MI, December 8, 2017 –The Michigan Freedom Fund today...
by Alex | Nov 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
SPEAK UP! Why Won’t Brandon Dillon and Gretchen Whitmer Defend Women from Sexual Violence, Harassment? Sexual Harassment Scandals Engulf Michigan Democratic Party, as Whitmer, Dillon Refuse to Support VictimsLANSING, MI, November 21, 2017 –Michigan Democratic...
by Alex | Nov 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
Taxpayers Demand More Responsible Government SpendingLANSING, MI, November 3, 2017 –Michigan Freedom Fund Executive Director Tony Daunt issued the following statement today after the submission of nearly 400,000 signatures asking lawmakers to eliminate Michigan’s...
by Alex | Sep 20, 2017 | Uncategorized
Workers, Taxpayers Win with Civil Service Commission ReformsThe Michigan Freedom Fund today praised the Michigan Civil Service Commission for approving changes to state civil service rules that will protect workers’ rights and taxpayer dollars. The reforms approved...